
Update!【緊急】6月 World of Coffee Warsaw 2020およびMICE延期のお知らせ


6月開催予定のWorld of Coffee(WOC)2020 Warsawが10月15日~17日に延期される事が発表されました。
同時開催の競技会WLAC2020、WCIGSC2020, WCTC2020, WCRC2020が同期日に延期となります。

尚、4 月のSpecialty Coffee EXPO2020 Portlandの開催に関しては、オレゴン州展示会場と引き続き


Update: March 13, 2020 — As announced on March 11, the Specialty Coffee Association has been working
with our partner venue in Poland to review options for postponing World of Coffee (WOC)
in response to the global COVID-19 outbreak.

Today, we are announcing an agreement with our partners at PTAK Warsaw Expo
to postpone World of Coffee to October 15–17, 2020, the only dates available in 2020.
We have informed all of our exhibitors and visitors via email, and our exhibitions team
will be sharing more information next week. We’d like to thank the team at PTAK
for their help in rescheduling our event and demonstrating their commitment
to the health of our community.

World of Coffee Warsaw will continue to host the 2020 World Coffee Roasting,
Latte Art, Coffee in Good Spirits, and Cup Tasters Championships as well as
the Cezve/Ibrik Championship.
These competitions will be postponed to the new October 15–17 dates,
with the World Coffee Events team continuing to work with competitors, judges,
and licensed WCE Competition Bodies to address the challenges that COVID-19 presents.
Any competitors, volunteers, or judges who anticipate issues participating
during the new dates should get in contact with WCE directly by emailing

We send a sincere thank you to all of our partners, sponsors, exhibitors, attendees,
and volunteers for their patience as we work to adapt and find solutions to the rapidly
changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a reminder, the 2020 Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE),
featuring the 2020 World Barista Championship and World Brewers Cup, has been postponed
by the show organizers to November 3-6, 2020. Read the announcement published on March 11, 2020.

We continue our conversations with our partners at the Oregon Convention Center (OCC) and
Travel Portland to review options for postponing Re:co Symposium and the Specialty Coffee Expo.
The state of Oregon has canceled public gatherings of over 250 people until April 8. We will continue
to share updates on our website as they become available.

We have received many messages of support from members of the specialty coffee community
around the world, for which we’re very thankful, and also some new questions,
to which we hope to respond as soon as possible.

Yannis Apostolopoulos
Chief Executive Officer
Specialty Coffee Association
以上、 宜しくお願い申し上げます。新しい情報、連絡、発表があり次第、ご報告申し上げます。


【緊急】5月オーストラリア、メルボルン開催予定 MICE 延期のお知らせ

Melbourne International Coffee EXPO (MICE) 2020が延期とな
尚、4月米国ポートランド市に予定されておりますRe:co Symposiumおよび
Specialty Coffee EXPO2020の開催につきましては現在、協議中とのことです。


下記SCA専務理事Yannis Apostolopoulos氏からのの連絡文です、ご参照ください。
An update on COVID-19 impacts on SCA events.
View this email in your browser.

Dear SCAJ,

The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially named the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.
Over the past few weeks, we have been monitoring the outbreak and its impact on our upcoming events
and seeking solutions with the health and safety of our community in mind.
We have been exploring alternative options to support the best outcomes for all stakeholders
who have invested in preparing for these shows.

Today the 2020 Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE), featuring the 2020 World Barista Championship
and World Brewers Cup, has been postponed by the show organizers to November 3-6, 2020.

We can also confirm that we are working with our partner venues in the United States and Poland
to review options for postponing Re:co Symposium, the Specialty Coffee Expo, and World of Coffee.

Since the initial concerns over the spread of COVID-19, we have been meeting daily with various vendors,
partners, sponsors, and supporters of our main events, monitoring news and official advisories
as well as the questions and concerns coming in from our community. We are grateful for the messages of
understanding and support, and all the feedback we have seen and received. We recognize the diverse opinions
and challenges of all our global communities. We are working to post updates as soon as possible.

Currently, the Oregon Convention Center (OCC) and Travel Portland, who will be hosting Re:co Symposium
and Expo, have informed us that despite the state of emergency declaration in Oregon, there is no new guidance
on large gatherings and that events will move forward as planned. We are awaiting an update on this stance
in light of the recent WHO decision to label the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.

We are working to post updates as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Yannis Apostolopoulos
Chief Executive Officer
Specialty Coffee Association

World Coffee Research (WCR)Overview 2019-2020のご案内

【World Coffee Research (WCR)】の2019−2020年度の活動概要を日本語訳をいた

World Coffee Research(WCR)とは、



皆様が日々活用されている身近なものとして【Flavor Wheel】や【Coffee Flavor Lexicon】等は

下記から日本語訳【修正版】 資料をご参照ください。




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